It seems that I make a handful of aprons each year for one reason or another. First of all they are fun to make and secondly they make great gifts and thirdly I love wearing aprons when I am doing housework, or even doing crafts so I don't get paint, glue or gooey stuff on my clothes. (Be sure to click on picture to view apron in a larger photo) One lady that I was talking to today at church mentioned that she likes wearing aprons especially while serving and eating dinner because she can eat what she wants and it hides her stomach so as not to show off her large appetite. I don't think she had much to loose considering she was a thin lady.
This apron is Butterick #5474
if your interested in making one. You can change around the design a little by adding or eliminating the pockets, and adding embellishments and even making it reversible.
I like your new border on your blog and the apron is adorable, especially with the rick-rack around the edges. I can't wait till you send me the alphabet fabric so I can begin sewing mine. One question, what size did you sew from the pattern. Thanks
Super cute! of course!
super cute! of Course!
super cute! of Course!
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