Friday, September 19, 2014

Gingerbread Doll

I remember years ago about 30 or so, there was a real craze for handmade dolls especially primitive style dolls. I made several even some primitive cloth bunnies. They were so fun to make. I gave away a lot of those patterns, or misplaced them during moves from one house to the other. I have recently been looking on line to see if some of those primitive patterns I had back in the late 80's and early 90's were still around, I couldn't find any. But, I happened upon a quilt shop in Leavenworth, WA and behold!.. she had a ton of the old patterns that I had been accustom to all those years ago. This pattern is one of them. I just finished making her, and she will be perfect to sit on the old chair that I have on my front porch come Christmas/winter time. I really like working with wool, so I made her body out of a wool skirt that I found at the thrift store. Everything else I had on hand in my sewing room, except the winter berries, and crocheted trim which I bought at the sewing supply store.

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