Monday, February 20, 2012

Smart Shelving

I love this creative way to place shelves on a wall. This would be cute in a bathroom too. I remember years ago, my mom had a really ugly bathroom that had wild orange/green print wallpaper. She asked me if I could come up with a solution to redecorate her bathroom and cover up this ugly wallpaper. We tried to get the wallpaper off, but it would not budge, it had been there for probably 20 years. So I put joint compound over the walls, let it dry, sanded it, then painted it. After I painted on the main color, I painted on a beautiful mural of a tree with birds in the branches, and foilage coming up from the floor, anyway after I was done, this once ugly bathroom was transformed into this amazingly beautiful garden bathroom. I could have placed shelving on the branches like they did here in this room, but didn't think of it then.

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