Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Garden Beauties

I love sharing my garden beauties. Garden's change everyday, so you need to take a garden stroll everyday to see all the changes that seem to magically appear. Like my purple lupines that have finally bloomed. Wow! they are slow growing when you start them from seed.
I love the shape of the leaves on lupines.
I like taking my garden strolls in the morning when the vegetable plants and flowers have dew on them, or are still wet from a midnight rain.

Here are some vegetables that I picked this morning. We had a little rain last night, and so the plants were freshly watered.

Beautiful Dahlia's

My Eggplant is looking good, but too small to pick just yet.
I love the pale purple leaves on the plant as well. How appropriate to have purple leaves on a plant that produces purple produce. The creator thought of everything.

Here is our Butternut squash vines. We have blossoms on the vines which mean that probably come late September or early October we can harvest the squash.
I love the huge heart shaped leaves on these vines.

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